At the Still Point—Rock Creek, 2020-2023

At the Still Point

I can only say there we have been: but I cannot say, where.

And I cannot say, how long, for that is to place it in time

T. S. Eliot, Burnt Norton

These photographs were made in and around home, as I found myself limited not by the pandemic, but physically. I started to make photographs from where, physically, I found myself.  These photographs were often made in moments when I was surprised by what I had glimpsed. Occasionally a grandchild also wanted to be "seen" and they know I am a photographer who always has a camera nearby. During the few years before the pandemic, I often reread Susan Sontag and Robert Adams, wondering if I could find a middle ground. As a photographer, I know my experience is not the same as the photograph, but I wanted to understand why these images, when brought into the world as prints on paper, were both exactly as I knew they would be but still seemed of the fleeting world, and I think Eliot's lines are a key.  If authenticity is to be found in these pictures, and I am hopeful that is a reasonable experience of them, it has been achieved by practicing traditional principles of visual form, along with an intimate knowledge of the space we exist in, an appreciation of companionship, and an abiding interest in, and care for, the people we love and live with. In terms of time, the underpinnings may be best described as an experience of duration and flow.