1995-1998 Finding

While I like to explore different materials and processes, the work has remained remarkably constant in its themes…photography as a way of interacting…a way of trying to work out just what it is you know or believe about the world; documents about places or moments that seemed nearly transcendent, photographs about people you love or places that matter…photography as part of a personal history. A year or two before this work started, I was making Van Dyke prints which include what I call extended captioning, and that use of disjointed narrative carried through these. The images did not illustrate the narrative, nor did the narrative explain the images…rather each piece becomes a space where photographs and words coexist, where plastic form, memory and chance, what I know and what I don’t know…all come together. The results have been a complex dialogue…between several voices, between nature and culture, between the present and the past, between memory and a hope for the future.